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Passion for Nature

The dam of Santa Luzia is a privileged place and little known, having been in the mouths of ornithologists when, in 2001, was the rare sighting here vine-of-the-walls. The species was observed on site for at least three consecutive years, it is possible that inverne here regularly.
Besides the visit is justified mainly by the spectacular site.

Paixão pela Natureza
Paixão pela Natureza
Paixão pela Natureza

falcão-peregrino, andorinha-das-rochas, pisco-de-peito-ruivo, rabirruivo-preto, cartaxo-comum, estrelinha-de-cabeça-listada, chapim-carvoeiro, trepadeira-comum, lugre, cia.

Melhor época: não existe informação

Distrito: Coimbra
Concelho: Pampilhosa da Serra

Where is: between the Serra da Estrela, Gardunha and Goshawk, a remote and inaccessible area. The trip is made by winding roads and takes about one hour from the nearest highway.

The access from the coast is done by IC8 from Pombal, taking the N2 Grande Pedrogão and then the N344 until Pampilhosa. Alternatively, you can break up of Castelo Branco, followed by the N112 for 60 km, turning right after the N344 until the dam. A third access is made by Fundão through the N238 until Dew (40 km), followed after 15 km by 6 km and finally N112 by N344.
If you want to know other places to watch birds in this region, we suggest:
Perspective of the dam of Santa Luzia, from the road that connects to Pampilhosa da Serra, seeing also the reservoir

Almost all observers who come to this remote location seeking rare and spectacular climbing-the-walls. This species should be sought in the wall of the dam. Access to the wall and done through the tiny town of Casal da Lapa, turning left at the first roundabout and take a narrow dead end road that ends at the entrance of the breakwater. The vine was seen on several occasions, both in the wall and in adjacent rocks. Given his habit of sneaking through the cracks, this species can be quite difficult to detect and observe, and therefore required much patience.

Apart from the vine, the site is relatively poor in birds. On the wall is easy to see the swallows-the-rocks and boulders we see the rabirruivo black and sometimes, the peregrine falcon.

Together the couple da Lapa, a small wooded area, where there are few passerines, including several species of tits, and the star-to-head-listed and robin. In winter, lugres here have been observed feeding on the cones of the pine-cone-.

The road N344 to Pampilhosa Sierra crosses a treeless area very
(A consequence of the fires that devastated this region). Along this road can be seen the cartaxo and co.
